Monday, October 25, 2010

Hide yo kids - hide yo wives -- Antoine DodsonSex Offender Tracker app

This is either the funniest thing you'll see today -- or it's the most offensive. But every so often an internet video goes so viral that the rest of the world simply cannot ignore it. And sometimes the stars, or subjects of these videos become so popular and so recognized, that they're launched into a some minor realm of celebrity status.  And that's exactly what has happened to Antoine Dodson.

Cautious parents will get what might be their first introduction to Augmented Reality with Sex Offender Tracker.  Published four days ago to the Android market, Sex Offender Tracker uses your device's camera, and GPS in conjunction with the compass to provide you with real-time data about your surroundings, and in this case, the residence of sex offenders.

Although anybody can dig through the online sex offender registry any time of day, some feel this app may be an invasion of privacy, saying this app makes it much too easy to locate the names and homes of registered sex offenders. Then there's the $1.99 price tag, which will put off a bunch of you, we know.

Watch Antoine Dodson do his thing, and get download links, after the jump. [via BGR]

Posted originally at Android Central

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