Chitika Research has compiled some statistics that break down Android specific device traffic, and the Motorola Droid still comes out on top with 19 percent of the total. The breakdown really isn't surprising, Verizon and Sprint hold the top two spots with the Sprint Evo 4G coming in right behind the Droid at 12 percent. The Samsung Vibrant comes in at number five, with a five percent share as the first GSM device on the list.
We don't have a fancy pie chart to show it, but according to Chikita, 4G Android phones (The Evo 4G, The Epic 4G, the T-Mobile G2, and the T-Mobile MyTouch 4G) claim 16 percent of all Android traffic in their study. Something tells me that number will be a bit different come Q2 2011, when Verizon gets into the mix. [Chitika Research]
Android device traffic -- Moto Droid No.1 , 4G-enabled phones at 16% posted originally by Android Central
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